Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Week 75: December 27, 2017. White Christmas -- Lucia's Baptism.

So Christmas in the mission is the best thing ever! 

This Christmas the best gift was the baptism of Lucia! She is a teenager who listed to the missionaries a couple years ago.  When I got to Chicoral, she kept coming to church. We just started to read the Book of Mormon with her every day and she just kept progressing until her baptism. 

Lucia's Baptism.
On Christmas Eve, I was able to give out little toys to the kids and it was so awesome to see their faces.  Although the toys were super tiny, it was super awesome to be able to brighten their days.  I've got to go but I hope all of you have a great day.  

And the best part about Christmas is being able to fight to help others experience the light of Christ. 

Love you all,

Elder Parson

NOTE:  Elder Parson sent a recording to his family in which he described their Christmas Eve and Christmas activities.  He was most excited to have a "White Christmas" with Lucia's baptism and shared that he was singing "White Christmas" that morning.

Week 75: December 27, 2017. White Christmas! Baptism of Lucia.

So Christmas in the mission is the best thing ever! t

This Christmas, the best gift was the baptism of Lucia! She is a teenager who first heard the discussion a couple of years ago.  When I first got to Chicoral, she kept coming to church. We started to read the Book of Mormon with her every day and she just kept progressing until her baptism. 

On Christmas Eve, I was able to give out little toys to the kids and it was so awesome to see their faces.  Although the toys were super tiny, it was super awesome to be able to brighten their days.  

I've got to go but i hope all of you have a great day.  The best part about Christmas is being able to fight to help others experience the light of Christ. 

Love you all,

Elder Parson
Lucia's Baptism.  A White Christmas!
NOTE:  Elder Parson sent his family a recording for Christmas.  He shared his excitement to have a "White Christmas" with Lucia's baptism.  He said he woke up that morning singing "White Christmas".

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas 2017 Call. December 23, 2017. 38 Minutes...

A highlight of Christmas was being able to video call with Alex.  He is happy and doing well.  He loves Colombia and the people he has been blessed to serve...and serve with.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Week 74: December 17, 2017

Hola paisanos, como les va?

So this week has been really different but really good. Probably one of the coolest things is that my comp-convert, Duvan, is right now reading the book of Mormon while I write.  He is in Alma 5.  If all goes well, he will finish it before the end of the transfer.

I have never visited as many people as we visited this week in all my mission. What we have been doing everyday is running around and visiting all the less actives and our investigadores.  We are just reading the Book of Mormon with them to give them the spiritual power that thy need to progress.

Also we saw several miracles this week. When I was serving with Elder Murphy, we visited a family and they presented us to some of their neighbors and they are super ready for the gospel. They have been reading the Book of Mormon separately and together as a family for the past few days and we are really hoping that this week they can come to church. 

Also, here in Chicoral, it is so tiny that everyone knows the missionaries. I love to contact but it is sometimes unexciting when you touch ten doors and they all know you.  But my comp said something amazing he said, well if they already know us, that should make it easier right? That was the right answer. 

Another miracle I witnessed this week was with a less active who we met.  She was so nice and happy but told us that she wouldn't be able to go to church.  I felt sad but then she came anyway.  I was playing the piano and almost started to cry.  

The Lord will always be there to touch the hearts of those who need Him. 

Love you. 
Duvan with Jerky -- part of his Christmas Stocking. 
Elder Parson shared that Duvan has never had a birthday or received a gift. 
Alex had to teach him how to open a present.
Elder Parson's family is thankful they were able to send a "12 Days of Christmas" package
and some Christmas gifts to Duvan.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 73: December 11, 2017. Duvan is baptized and becomes my companion.

So first of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of a group email these past few weeks, but I hope this will make up for it. 

So this week has been kinda crazy but pretty good.

To give a quick rundown, Tuesday, we were working normally until we received a call for emergency transfers. So we ran up to Bogota and got there at two in the morning.  On Wednesday I was with the secretaries and on Thursday we had the mission Christmas party. That was so awesome to see some of my old friends and companions. It was awesome to see Elder Roque who I was with for almost five months in Girardot.  I love that kid so much and am really trying to pressure him to go to BYU. Also, it was great to receive a message from our Mission President and his wife. They are so amazing and as they talked about miracles and how we can obtain them, it dawned on me that many times we witness miracles everyday, sometimes we just don't realize them.  

And then I was put in a trio in Espinal (the next town over) until I could get my new companion. They were super awesome and we had a fun time in the hottest place in the mission.  Also, my amazing family sent me a Christmas package and some much needed AMERICAN COOKIES.  Honestly, such a highlight.

When we were coming back from Bogota, it was a holiday here in Colombia, so there weren't any buses. Normally it was a four hour bus ride but it was insane.  We were pushed in the bus and we had about 40 people in a 25 seat bus. I felt the prompting to give my seat to someone, and truly felt that the Lord helped me as me and some other people stood on the bus for the six hour bus ride that it turned out to be.

And the highlight of the week was the baptism of Duvan. He was progressing to be baptized a while ago, but because he didn't have permission he wasn't able to be baptized.  But when I was here on an intercambio, I felt the need to touch his door and he has made so many changes in his life and so, I was able to baptize him. He was baptized in a pool because the font in Espinal is broken.

My Mission President then asked me if I could find a mini missionary to accompany me this transfer as my companion.  I asked Duvan and he said "yes".  So right now, Duvan and I are companions. 

I am so grateful for him.  He has been through a lot in his life but he teaches so well and with a great testimony that Christ really does love us. I am so grateful for him and how he has helped me this week.  I am excited to get to work. 

I hope you all have a great week

Elder Parson

My old companions in Libertad.

A view of Chicoral from a hike.

The pool where Duvan was baptized.

Duvan and me...mission companions.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 72: December 4, 2017.

Short email this week and some exchange on Google Hangout with our family.

Elder Parson shared...

The biggest gift you could give me this Christmas season is to do the Light The World with all of our friends, family and neighbors.  I hope you all have a great day.