Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 93: E-mail April 30, 2018. A BYU Scholarship...and a great week!

Elder Parson was excited to share that he was notified that he received a full-tuition scholarship to BYU!

So for the title of this message... after 22 months in the mission one starts to miss root beer floats.  So my companion and I received revelation that Coke with ice cream should be a good combination and it was awesome. It might be better than root beer floats;  I invite you all to try it.

So this week was good.  I would like to start off with what I am grateful for...

1. I am grateful that the Lord gives us inspiration on the mission. On Sunday night my comp felt that we should call an old contact and we did and were able to teach his family about the Book of Mormon and how we can improve our lives through repentance. It was incredible.

2. I am grateful for the rain. This week we were caught in some heavy rainstorms where the roads where turned into rivers by the amount of rain. It was super fun to go out in the rain and visit people, especially after being in my mission with 100 to 110 degree weather, it was awesome.

3. For mission leaders. My friend Elder Ostler is my District Leader and he gave us some great counsel on how to help people complete their commitments by being sad. We were able to use it a fair amount this week. And on the picture below is one of my favorite Zone Leaders, Elder Marsh, an amazing elder that came back to Colombia to visit. I am so grateful for how they've changed my life.

4. I am grateful for members. This week we had 4 appointments in 2 hours and we weren't going to be able to go visit everyone.  But I was able to leave with a member and my comp with another and it was so much fun being able to visit people. 

5. People who want to change. I honestly believe that humility is so important in the Gospel and missionary work because it allows the Holy Ghost to work through people. When people are humble and want to change, their lives begin to become so peaceful.

6. The opportunity to be a missionary.

I love you all,

hasta lueguito,

Elder Parson

From Elder Buhrley (Elder Parson's companion):

This week was a great one!

Monday- we played micro (small field turf soccer) for Pday and it was awesome! The latinos get really mad when they get beat but they just focus too much on handles and not enough on shooting, it's all good though! So that was really fun! Then as a zone we went to this super cool restaurant and shared a big meat platter thing and had piña coladas! (non-alcoholic of course, don't worry mom). Then later in the night we had an awesome FHE with some less actives and some investigators!

Tuesday- Had an awesome district meeting and zone meeting! Our zone/district is awesome. We're working right now on how to be devastated when our investigators haven't read the BofM! Then we taught an awesome Restoration lesson to Angela and she accepted a baptismal date for May 26th! The spirit is always so strong when teaching the Restoration! The only bummer is when we came back she had just found out she's pregnant with the son of the Familia Mayoral who's a member. So that wasn't good but they are planning on getting married so hopefully they do!

Wednesday- Went over to the Familia Plata for a lunch invite, it was good! They're a super cool family, we just gotta get them coming to church! Then we contacted for a while but it was really hard because there was a big game on between Real Madrid and Bayern Munich so nobody answered their doors! Then we had the English class at night and played Simon Says in English with them, it was pretty funny!

Thursday- Again weekly planning took quite a bit but then again we saw tons of miracles after! We taught David and Luisa, the brother of one of our investigators Danny. They're way cool and really want to increase their faith! But they have a car wash and it's gonna be really tough for them to leave it on Sunday's for church. But we're hoping and praying they'll make the right choice and be able to recieve those blessings! Then we did divisions with two brothers in the ward and me and Mauricio went to a new investigator, Julian, who is really cool and said he already gave up smoking and drinking a few years ago because he felt like it was the right thing to do! Then we taught Carolina and her 7 kids that live with her! They're super awesome and we taught the Restoration!

Friday- We walked a lot and everyone canceled their citas but we still got in a couple lessons and got some great contacts! And it rained super hard which was awesome!

Saturday- We taught an awesome NI (New Investigator) Aleida and her son Tom! They're really cool and are really interested in learning more and hopefully will have the faith to act on their commitments! Then we taught the Word of Wisdom to Maria Bautista and she's gonna have a tough time giving up coffee because everyone drinks it here, but she can do it!

Sunday- We had a conference for all of Colombia and Ecuador! It was streamed from Salt Lake and we heard from Elder Richard G. Maynes and from President M. Russell Ballard, it was amazing! We only had one investigator that could come, Anderson, but it was in a building pretty far away and most people don't have the money for it. We just have to do everything we can for them and pray hard!

It was another great week, the Lord's hand is in this work for sure.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Week 92: E-mail April 23, 2018. A week of miracles.

This week has been incredible, just like all the weeks of the mission. But we have seen some amazing miracles in our area. I will just name a few.

1. People have been contacting us. I have never had that happen in all my mission. But we have been walking in the street and people will call us over to find out who we are and where is our church. Then one day while we were eating lunch a lady asked us ¨what do I need to do to get a visit from you guys?¨ How awesome!

2. We have really been trying to look for families and people to teach. We felt that we should go by the houses of members and contact around there for new investigators.  The second time we did that the first door we knocked a man let us into his house, told his wife and all his kids (7) to come listen to us. His wife in now reading the Book of Mormon and they want to come to church and be married.

3. The Lord has allowed us to work with many of His Children. We have a less active family who are awesome. The husband told us the thing he most desired in his life was change. He has since come to church, accompanied us, and we have a family night later at his house tonight. His wife has been sharing the gospel with her neighbors. And this week their less active nephew came to church.

4. My companion, he is always so happy to get out of the house to go and contact. He is always positive and is so willing to do the Lord’s work. We are having a blast!

5. The Book of Mormon- I have seen how happy people become by reading the Book of Mormon. And when we do this while explaining the plan of salvation, people want to be baptized, it is a natural consequence. I am so grateful for the power of the Book of Mormon.

Everyday I wake up so so so grateful to be a missionary. I can’t believe that God would trust me so much to participate in His work. I love being an instrument in His Hands. I love being able to proclaim the gospel to whomever I can, to help their lives become free from sin. I know God is real, that He has power to do everything, and that He loves us. He loves every single one of His children and what He most desires is that we come home to Him.

I love you all,

Ever gracious to be a missionary,

Elder Parson

Another part of our area

Our area

Playing Football

Lunch on P-Day

1. our lunch today
2. playing football
3. our area
4. another part of our area — with Alex Parson.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 91: E-mail April 16, 2018. New investigator...Anderson

So this email will be real quick, because the hour is almost up...

This week was really awesome.  We had the opportunity to visit many less actives and read the Book of Mormon with them.  I am still amazed by the power of the Book of Mormon;  it really is the best tool along with the Atonement of Jesus Christ to change peoples lives. I am so grateful that we have the opportunity to use it daily to become more like Christ.

Also we witnessed some miracles this week.  We were contacting way late at night and we were able to enter into an old contact's house.  They let us in and the son, Anderson, began to read the Book of Mormon and came with us to church.  The Lord is always preparing people to receive the blessings He has prepared for them.

Love you all,

Elder Parson

Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 89: E-mail April 2, 2018. General Conference...Layton, Utah, to get a Temple.

Well, I know we aren't supposed to scream during General Conference, but I definitely did.  It was amazing! I am so happy that Layton finally has a temple.
Our week was awesome!  It was holy week so we were able to visit a lot of members and have family nights.  Also, we had Leadership Council so I was able to see all of my old friends from my group.  It was awesome to be able to hear our Mission President talk.  He explained the importance of always using the Book of Mormon.

It was also amazing to hear General Conference.  I am so happy that we have a Prophet here on the earth to lead and guide us.

Well, I've got to go but I know this gospel is true and that the best is yet to come.


Elder Parson

Friends and Missionaries from the Zone

Elder Parson's MTC (CCM) Group

Elder Sorbonne and Elder Parson

Zone T-shirts