Colombia, Bogotá, August 24th of 2016
Dear Family of Elder Parson:
We are President and Sister Baquerizo, from the Colombia Bogota South
Mission, it is a pleasure to inform you that your son, Elder Parson, arrived well
to our mission. We are very happy to share with him this wonderful time to
share the gospel to these beautiful people.
He is well and happy to be here serving the Lord. We are sending you
some pictures.
Thank you very much for all you have done to help him prepare to be in
this wonderful time, we will be watching his progress and taking care of him.
With all our love,
President and Sister Baquerizo
Colombia Bogotá South Mission
In order to help you Support your missionary the best way possible, we have the following suggestions and instructions.
Write your Missionary every week
Missionaries love hearing from
home. They love you and your letters cheer them up. Your letters and weekly
emails can be very helpful to share news from home. Make sure to ask them about
the work they are doing and the people they are teaching. They will love to
hear your spiritual experiences, gospel studies and your efforts to share the
gospel. Sometimes, a friend or family member may ask the missionary to access a
webpage that is not “” to see family photos, etc. Please, remember
that your missionary is not allowed to access any other webpage.
To send letters:
Missionary’s Full
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de
los Últimos Días
Calle 72 # 10-07 oficina 303
Calle 72 # 10-07 oficina 303
Edificio Liberty Seguros
Bogotá - Colombia
Bogotá - Colombia
“Dear Elder” Mail Service:
Due to Colombia’s
laws, packages weighing more than 4 lbs must pay expensive taxes, if you use
standard mail service, the missionary must pay taxes locally and often it costs
a lot. For this reason, we suggest you use DHL, because taxes will be paid by
you when shipping.
Please do not ask
your missionary to ask a member or investigator to receive the package in his
name. Also don’t ask any Colombian Missionary serving where you live to bring
packages to your missionary.